International Conference


Chanseok Lee and Jinhan Cho

"Nanostructured Metallic Fabric through Interfacial Assembly for Lithium-ion Battery Cathode"

2023 International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids

2023/12/03 - 2023/12/06

University of Wollongong, Australia

Poster presentation (Chanseok Lee) - 23/12/04 (Mon)

Woojae Chang and Jinhan Cho

"Textile-Type Supercapacitor Electrodes Enabling High Energy Storage Performance through Nonnoble Metal Nanoparticle Assembly-Driven Electrodeposition"

2023 International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids

2023/12/03 - 2023/12/06

University of Wollongong, Australia

Poster presentation (Woojae Chang) - 23/12/04 (Mon)


Jeongyeon Ahn and Jinhan Cho

"Pseudocapacitor Electrodes with High Capacity and Rate Capability via High-Energy Linker-mediated Assembly"

The 17th Pacific Polymer Conference

2022/12/11 - 2022/12/14

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australia

Oral presentation (Jeongyeon Ahn) - 22/12/12 (Mon)

Euiju Yong and Jinhan Cho

"Conductive 0D and 1D Nanomaterial Assembly-Induced Metallized Textiles with Scalable Active Surface Area for High Areal Capacity Battery Electrodes"

The 17th Pacific Polymer Conference

2022/12/11 - 2022/12/14

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australia

Oral presentation (Euiju Yong) - 22/12/12 (Mon)

Jeongmin Mo and Jinhan Cho

"Water-splitting Silk Electrodes via Carbonization/Interfacial Assembly-induced Metal Electroplating with High Operation Stability in Alkaline Media"

The 17th Pacific Polymer Conference

2022/12/11 - 2022/12/14

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australia

Oral presentation (Jeongmin Mo) - 22/12/12 (Mon)

Jinhan Cho

"Layer-by-layer assembled textile electrodes for water-splitting reaction"

EPF European Polymer Congress 2022

2022/06/26 - 2022/07/01

Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic

Poster presentation (Jinhan Cho) - 22/06/28 (Tue)


Seokmin Lee, Dojin Kim, Yongmin Ko, Cheong Hoon Kwon, and Jinhan Cho

"Layer-by-Layer assembly induced nano/micro-hierarchical structure for triboelectric nanogenerators with humid-resistant"

Nano Korea 2019 Symposium

2019/07/03 - 2019/07/05

킨텍스 (KINTEX), Goyang, South Korea

Poster presentation (Seokmin Lee) - 2019/07/05 (Fri)

Dongyeeb Shin and Jinhan Cho

"Metallic Cotton Tread-Based Supercapacitors with High Energy Density"

Nano Korea 2019 Symposium

2019/07/03 - 2019/07/05

킨텍스 (KINTEX), Goyang, South Korea

Poster presentation (Dongyeeb Shin) - 2019/07/04 (Thr)

Younji Ko, Cheong Hoon Kwon, Jimin Choi, and Jinhan Cho

"Amphiphilic graphene oxide nanosheet catalysts via layer-by-layer assembly with high catalytic activity and stability"

ACS National Meeting & Expo (2019, Spring meeting)

2019/03/31 - 2019/04/04, Orange Country Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, United States of America

Oral presentation (Younji Ko) - 2019/04/04 (Thr)

Cheong Hoon Kwon, Younji Ko,  Jimin Choi, and Jinhan Cho

"Metallic, cotton, fiber-based biofuel cells"

ACS National Meeting & Expo (2019, Spring meeting)

2019/03/31 - 2019/04/04, Orange Country Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, United States of America

Oral presentation (Cheong Hoon Kwon) - 2019/04/02 (Tue)



Yongkwon Song, Seunghui Woo, Junsang Yun, and Jinhan Cho

"Porous Paper Electrodes Using Layer-by-Layer Assembled Silver Nanoparticles with Room-Temperature Metallic Fusion"

Materials Research Society (MRS) (2018, Fall meeting)

2018/11/25 - 2018/11/30, Hynes Convention Center & Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America

Poster presentation (Yongkwon Song) - 2018/11/27 (Tue)

Cheong Hoon Kwon, Yongmin Ko, Dongyeop Shin, Minseong Kwon, Jinho Park, Wan Ki Bae, Seung Woo Lee, and Jinhan Cho

"Metallic Cotton Fiber-based Biofuel Cells with High Power Density"

Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology  (PRCR) (2018, 7th International Conference)

2018/06/10 - 2018/06/15, Phoenix Jeju, Jeju, Korea

Oral presentation (Cheong Hoon Kwon) - 2018/06/12 (Tue)

Dojin Kim, Seokmin Lee, Yongmin Ko, Cheong Hoon Kwon, and Jinhan Cho

"Triboelectric Nanogenerator with High and Stable Electric Output in Humid Environment using Layer-by-Layer assembled PDMS Mold"

Nanogenrators and Piezotronics (NGPT) (2018, 4th International Conference)

2018/05/08 - 2018/05/11, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea

Invited speaker (Jinhan Cho) - 2018/05/11 (Fri)

Dojin Kim, Seokmin Lee, Yongmin Ko, Cheong Hoon Kwon, and Jinhan Cho

"Humid-resistant Triboelectric Nanogenerators with Nano/Microstructure induced via Layer-by-Layer Assembly"

Nanogenrators and Piezotronics (NGPT) (2018, 4th International Conference)

2018/05/08 - 2018/05/11, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea

Poster presentation (Seokmin Lee) - 2018/05/10 (Thu)

Donghyeon Nam, Yongmin Ko, and Jinhan Cho

"Ultrathin Film-Type Supercapacitor Electrodes with High Areal and Volumetric Capacitance via Amphiphilic Ligand Exchange Reaction"

Nanogenrators and Piezotronics (NGPT) (2018, 4th International Conference)

2018/05/8 - 2018/05/11, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea

Poster presentation (Donghyeon Nam) - 2018/05/10 (Thu)

Donghyeon Nam, Sungkun Kang, Seokmin Lee, Minseong Kwon, Jinhan Cho, and Younsang Kim

"High-Performance Ultrathin Film-Type Supercapacitor Electrodes Fabricated via Consecutive Amphiphilic Ligand Exchange Reaction"

Materials Research Society (MRS) (2018, Spring meeting)

2018/04/02 - 2018/04/06, Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America

Poster presentation (Donghyeon Nam) - 2018/04/04 (Wed)


Ikjun Cho, Jun Hyuk Chang, Jinhan Cho and Wan Ki Bae
Multi-Functional Dendrimer Ligands for High Efficiency Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes Using Selective Ligand Exchange Process
The 17th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2017 )
(Oral)-August 28 ~ 31,  29(Tue) Convention Hall, BEXCO, Busan, Korea

Younji Ko, Jinhan Cho 
Layer-by-Layer Assembled Catalytic Graphene Nanocomposites with High Catalytic Activity and  Recylcling Stability
New Horizons in Layer-by-Layer Assemblies: Principles and Applications Conference
 (Post) - June 18-21, 19 (Mon) Hoam Convention Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Ikjun Cho, Jinhan Cho 
Amine-Functionalized Molecules for Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes Using In-Situ Ligand Exchange Layer-by-Layer Assembly
New Horizons in Layer-by-Layer Assemblies: Principles and Applications Conference
(Post) - June 18-21, 19 (Mon) Hoam Convention Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Ikjun Cho, Wan Ki Bae, and Jinhan Cho 

Charge Injection Controlling Ligands for Enhancing Performance of QLEDs through Surficial Energy Level Shifts

Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy (MCARE 2017)
(Post) - 20/02-24/02, 02/21 (Thu) LOTTE Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea


Ikjun Cho, Jinhan Cho 

Energy Level Shifts of ZnO through Selective Dipole-Induced Ligand Exchange Process for Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes to Improve Electroluminescence Performance

2016 MRS Fall Meeting
(Oral) - 11/27-12/02, 12/01 (Thr) Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Ikjun Cho, Jinhan Cho

Selective Ligand Exchange Process with Amine-Functionalized Polymers for  Charge Injection Control with Improved  Electroluminescence Performance  on Quantum-dot Light- Emitting Diodes

IUPAC-PSK 40 International Conference on Advanced Polymeric Materials Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Polymer Society of Korea (PSK), IUPAC   

(Oral) - 10/04-07, 10/07(Fri) International Concention Center Jeju, Jeju, Korea

Sanghyuk Cheong , Jinhan Cho

Water-suluble Polymer-Induced Amphiphilic Layer-by-Layer Assembled Nanocomposite Films and Their Applications to Unipolar Switching  Memory Devices

IUPAC-PSK 40 International Conference on Advanced Polymeric Materials Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Polymer Society of Korea (PSK), IUPAC   

(Poster) - 10/04-07, 10/05(Wed) International Concention Center Jeju, Jeju, Korea

Dongyeeb Shin, Jinhan Cho

Layer-by-Layer Assembled Conductive CNT HybridElectrodes withHigh Volumetric Capacitance andRemarkable Stability

Nano Korea 2016 Symposium (The 14th International Nanotech Symposium& Nano-Convergence Expo), Nanotechonology, the Great Beginning
(Poster) - 7/13-15, 7/13(Wed) KINTEX, Ilsan, Seoul, Korea

Yongmin Ko, Jinhan Cho

CNT/transition metal oxide nanoparticlenanocomposite electrode with high electrochemicalproperties and stability using ligand exchange-inducedlayer-by-layer assembly

Nano Korea 2016 Symposium (The 14th International Nanotech Symposium& Nano-Convergence Expo), Nanotechonology, the Great Beginning
(Poster) - 7/13-15, 7/13(Wed) KINTEX, Ilsan, Seoul, Korea

Donghee Kim, Jinhan Cho

Recyclable multicatalytic colloids with scalable functionalities and high dispersion stability in organic and aqueous media via layer-by-layer assembly

251st American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
(Oral Presentation) - 03/13-03/17, 03/17(Thu), CA, San Diago, United States of America

Dongyeeb Shin, Jinhan Cho

Supercapacitor electrodes with high-volumetric capacitance and outstanding stability using ligand exchange-induced, multi-stacking of high-energy CNT hybirds and conductive CNTs

251st American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
(Oral Presentation) - 03/13-03/17, 03/17(Thu), CA, San Diago, United States of America


Minkyung Park, Yongmin Ko and Jinhan Cho

Hydrophilic/hydrophobic Nanocomposite Films Using Amphiphilic Layer-by-Layer Assembly

UKC-2015 (US-Korea Conferance on Science, Technology, and  Entrepreneurship)
(Invited Speaker) - 07/29-08/01, 07/30(Thu), Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, United States of America

Yongmin Ko, Minseong Kwon and Jinhan Cho

Covalent-bonding layer-by-layer assembly of CNT/transition metal oxide nanoparticle nanocomposite multilayer film with high electrochemical properties for energy storage application

2015 Frontiers in Polymer Science
(Poster Presentation) - 05/20-05/22, 05/22(Thu), Riva del Garda Congress Centre, Riva del Garda, Italy

Ikjun Cho, Dongyeeb Shin and Jinhan Cho

Nano-Floating Gate Memory Devices Using 3D Multi-Stacking Arrays with Densely Packed Hydrophobic Metal Nanoparticles for Charge Trapping Layers

2015 MRS Spring Meeting
(Poster Presentation) - 04/06-04/10, 04/07(Tue), Moscone Convention Center and Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, United States of America


Donghee Kim, and Jinhan Cho

Multifunctional Colloidal Fluids with Rheological, Magnetic, and Optical Properties via Layer-by-Layer Assembly

2014 MRS Fall Meeting
(Poster Presentation) - 11/30-12/05, 12/01(Mon), Hynes Convention Center, Boston, United States of America

Sanghyuk Cheong, and Jinhan Cho

Nanoparticle Multilayers Using Layer-by-Layer Assembly Based on Photo-Crosslinking Reaction for Nonvolatile Memory devices

2014 MRS Fall Meeting
(Oral Presentation) - 11/30-12/05, 12/01(Mon), Hynes Convention Center, Boston, United States of America

Yongmin Ko, Younghoon Kim and Jinhan Cho

Non-volatile Memory Devices Using Layer-by-Layer Assembled Multilayer Films

Layer-by-Layer Assemblies Conference: Science and Technology
(Invited Speaker) - 6/23-25, 6/25(Wed), Stevens Institue of Technology, Hoboken in New Jersey(NJ), United States of America


Sanghyuk Cheong, Kyungyun Kook and Jinhan Cho

Nanoparticle Multi-layers Using Layer-by-Layer Assembly Based on Photo-cross linking Reaction

BIEN 2013 KW-Leadership, SE-Future (Korea Woman's Leadership in Science & Engineering and Future)
(Poster Presentation) - 8/22-24, 8/23(Fri), Sheraton Grand Walkerhill, Seoul, Korea

Yongmin Ko, Hyunhee Baek, Younghoon Kim, Miseon Yoon and Jinhan Cho

Hydrophobic Nanoparticle-Based Nanocomposite Films Using In Situ Ligand Exchange Layer-by-Layer Assembly and Their Nonvolatile Memory Applications

Yamagata U - Korea U Student Workshop
(Poster Presentation) - 8/9, 8/9(Mon), Hana Square(Korea Univ), Seoul, Korea

Donghee Kim, Younghoon Kim and Jinhan Cho

Solvent-Free Nanocomposite Fluids with Photoluminescent and Magnetic Properties

Yamagata U - Korea U Student Workshop
(Poster Presentation) - 8/9, 8/9(Mon), Hana Square(Korea Univ), Seoul, Korea

Yongmin Ko, Younghoon Kim, Miseon Yoon, Jinhan Cho

Layer-by-Layer Assembled Nanocomposite Films Based on Hydrophobic Inorganic Nanoparticles in Organic Media and Their Applications

The 9th China-Korea Bilateral Symposium on Polymer Materials
(Poster Presentation) - 7/14-18, 7/15(Mon), Human Normal University, Changsha, China

Jinhan Cho

Layer-by-Layer Assembled Nanocomposite Films Based on Hydrophobic Inorganic Nanoparticles in Organic Media and Their Applications

Nano Korea 2013 Symposium, Korea-Singapore Satellite Sessions
(Invited Speaker) - 7/10-12, 7/11(Thu), COEX, Seoul, Korea

Yongmin Ko, Younghoon Kim, Miseon Yoon, Joona Bang and Jinhan Cho

Layer-by-Layer Assembled Nanocomposite Films Based on Hydrophobic Inorganic Nanoparticles in Organic Media

The 3rd International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science
(Poster Presentation) - 5/21-23, 5/21(Tue), Melia Sitges Hotel Congress Centre, Stiges, Spain

Younghoon Kim and Jinhan Cho

Solvent-free Metal and Quantum Dot Nanoparticle Fluids Showing highly Improved Electrical, Optical Properties

MRS SpringMeeting
(Oral Presentation) - 4/01-05, 4/4(Thu), Moscone West Convention Center/Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, USA

Donghee Kim, Yongmin Ko, Jeong Ho Cho, Jinhan Cho

Solvent-free Colloidal Fluids with Rheological, Fluorescent and Magnetic Properties

The 8th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologists
(Poster Presentation) - 1/31- 2/2, 1/31(Thu), Metropole Hotel, Phuket, Thailand


Jinhan Cho

Layer-by-Layer Assembled Organic/Inorganic Nanocomposite Films in Nonpolar Solvent Media

1st China-Korea Young Scientist Symposium on Functional Polymeric Materials (Nov 15-17)
(Invited speaker) - 11/15-17, 11/16(Fri), Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China

Younghoon Kim, Donghee Kim, Jinhan Cho

Solvent-free Silver and Quantum Dot Nanoparticle Fluids Based on Thiol-Functionalized Imidazolium-Type Ionic Liquid

Electronic Materials and Nano Technology for Green Environment. Second Meeting.
(Poster presentation) - 9/16-19, 9/18 (Tue), Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, South Korea

Yongmin Ko, Younghoon Kim, Jinhan Cho

Resistive Switching Memory Properties of Layer-by-Layer Assembled Protein Multilayer Films

Electronic Materials and Nano Technology for Green Environment. Second Meeting.
(Poster presentation) - 9/16-19, 9/18 (Tue), Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, South Korea

Jinhan Cho, Younghoon Kim, Miseon Yoon

Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction-Induced Layer-by-Layer Assembly for Functional Nanocomposite Film with Optical,
Magnetic and Electronic Properties

MRS SpringMeeting
(Invited speaker) - 4/09-13, 4/10(Tue), Moscone West Convention Center/Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, USA

Bonkee Koo, Hyunhee Baek, Donghee Kim, Jinhan Cho

Electro Bistable Resistive Switching Memory of Layer-by-Layer Assembled Iron Phthalocyanine Multilayers

MRS SpringMeeting
(Poster presentation) - 4/09-13, 4/10(Tue), Moscone West Convention Center/Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, USA

Hyunhee Baek, Bonkee Koo, Donghee Kim, Jinhan Cho

Resistive Switching and Transistor Memory Devices Based on Layer-by-Layer Assembled Catalase Multilayers

MRS SpringMeeting
(Poster presentation) - 4/09-13, 4/10(Tue), Moscone West Convention Center/Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, USA


Younghoon Kim, Yongmin Ko, Miseon Yoon, Jinhan Cho

Layer-by-Layer Assembled Multilayers Based on Functional Nanoparticles with Highly Improved Optical, Magnetic, Resistive Switching Properties Using Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction in Nonpolar Solvent

MRS Fall Meeting (Oral presentation) - 11/28-12/02, 11/30(Wed), Hynes Convention Center, Boston, USA

Yongmin Ko, Younghoon Kim, Miseon Yoon, Jinhan Cho

Nonvolatile Resistive Switching Memory Devices Based on Layer-by-Layer Assembled Ferritin Multilayers

MRS Fall Meeting (Poster presentation) - 11/28-12/02, 12/30(Wed), Hynes Convention Center, Boston, USA

Jinhan Cho

Resistive Switching Memory Devices Based on Layer-by-Layer Assembled Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles

BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Nano- S & T
(Invited Speaker) - 10/23-26, 10/24(Mon), World Expo Center, Dalian, China


Chanwoo Lee, Jinhan cho

Fabrication of Layer-by-Layer Assembled Nonvolatile Memory Devices Based on Binary Transition Metal Oxide

ACS National meeting (Poster presentation) - 3/21-23, 3/21(Sun), Moscone West Convention Center, San Francisco, USA

Younghoon Kim,Yongmin Ko, Jinhan Cho

Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction-Based Layer-by-Layer Growth of Superparanagnetic Nanocomposite Films with High
Nonvolatile Memory Performance

Engineering Conferences International (Oral presentation) - 7/11-17, 7/15(Thu), Kempinski Hotel, Suzhou, China

Younghoon Kim,Chanwoo Lee, Jinhan Cho

Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Superparamagnetic and Resistive Switching Nanocomposite Multilayers via Nucleophilic
Substitution Reaction in Nonpolar Solvent.

IUMRS-ICEM (Poster presentation) - 8/22-27, 8/23(Mon), KINTEX, Seoul, South Korea

Jinhan Cho, Chanwoo Lee, Younghoon Kim

Fabrication of Layer-by-Layer Assembled Dendrimer/Quantum Dot Multilayers via Nucleophilic Substitution in Organic Media

IUMRS-ICEM (Oral presentation) - 8/22-27, 8/24(Tue), KINTEX, Seoul, South Korea

Younghoon Kim,Yongmin Ko, Jinhan Cho

Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction-induced Magnetic Multilayer Filmes with Highly Improved Nonvolatile Memory

MRS Fall Meeting (Poster presentation) - 11/29-12/03, 11/29(Mon), Hynes Convention Center, Boston, USA

Jinhan Cho

Layer-by-layer Growth of Polymer/Quantum Dot Composite Multilayers via Nucleophilic Substitution in Organic Media

The international Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. Pacifichem
(Poster presentation) - 12/15-20, 12/18(Sat), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


Seryun Lee, Jinhan Cho

Free-standing Nanocomposite Multilayers with Various Length-scales, Adjustable Internal Structures and Functionalities

(Poster presentation) - 6/28-7/03, 7/01(Wed), Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore

Chanwoo Lee, Jinhan Cho

Resistive Switching Memory Devices Composed of Binary Transition Metal Oxide Using Sol-gel Chemistry

(Poster presentation) - 6/28-7/03, 7/01(Wed), Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore